A polyglot scaffolding for your TDD Katas

Kamil Nguyen Van
3 min readMay 24, 2018

Feel free to clone a repo which has a scaffolding for Test Driven Development coding for Scala, Java, Javascript/NodeJS ES6, python3

git clone https://github.com/GA1/algo-tdd-starters

The project is divided into 4 directories. Each directory contains three dummy classes and corresponding unit tests. Also in each directory you will find a README.md with instructions on how to run the unit tests from the terminal.

Alternatively, you can have a look at this video in which I use the same repo for explaining what Test Driven Development is.

That’s it. Keep reading if you’d like to understand why this repo was created.

From time to time a software engineer has to code something quick from scratch, an algorithm, a simple hello_world-like server, a prototype, a regular expression, a TDD kata.



Kamil Nguyen Van

Software engineer and language learning enthusiast. Currently building www.tiengos.com